Sunday, January 23, 2011

Old Timey Photo - Postcard #4 & Swedish Flag Mosaic - Crafty Crap #1

This postcard is from a big collection of fun postcards I picked up many years ago - I found the first of five packs of these in a bookstore and tracked down the rest of the set online. The back says "A happy family, c. 1900."

Postcard #4 for the New Year Resolution went out to my old friend from college, JD. She lives far away and I haven' seen her in several years, so she'll probably think that's me on the postcard. She's special like that.

An article on old photography and the solemn faces epidemic.
Russian color photographs from the early 1900s. Amazing.


The January Crafty Crap has been completed! A year or so ago I decided to try my hand at doing mosaics and I make a punch of Swedish Flag window hangings (or trivets) for most of my family. (The glass looks really pretty with the sun shining behind it.)

It took a lot longer to make each one that I thought it would, so I wasn't able to finish the one for Rooster C in time. Probably cheating, but it seemed appropriate to make her Swedish Flag the crafty crap for this month. Nothing like getting a gift more than a year late!

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