Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spoonbridge and Cherry - Postcard #2

This classic Minneapolis postcard was sent out to UJ in honor of his enthusiastic response to my blog. Rooster B was kind enough to send UJ's comments to me via email:

so i was visiting [UJ] when he read your blog new years resolutions. i would like to make you aware of his replies.
1.  "did it.  i just watched 2 football games on sunday and saw some dam with Mike Roe."  (you know, the guy on dirty jobs tv show)
2.  "i already do."  as he raises his beer and takes a swig.
3.  "i already do."  as he raises his beer and takes a swig.
4.  i can't repeat the words he said.  sounded like the swedish chef on the muppets.
5.  "ha ha ha."
6.  "no meal i make is ever the same."    trust me, its true.  some have so much pepper and old spices in them i can't eat whats on my plate.  his reply when i express my distaste is "just trying to get rid of some of those old spices bud."
7.  "i send multiple cards a day to file 13."
8.  "i don't play with my crap, i just flush it."     (this one was my personal favorite.)
9.  "what the hell is that?"
10. "every day i hike to the kitchen and turn on the faucet."
11. "whats that mean."
12. "barley, hops, yeast."  as he raises his beer and takes a swig.
 Clearly UJ is my favorite uncle. He would be yours, too. The best part is that he probably won't look at the postcard I sent him until sometime this fall.

Here's some info on the Spoonbridge and Cherry:
Official page from the Walker.
The Wikipedia entry gives more info about the area.
The artists' take on it.

I promised UJ a photo of me at the sculpture so he could get an idea of the size. This photo was obviously not taken recently, everything is green instead of white.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! UJ is a lunatic -- and he's your favorite uncle? Clearly, that makes you somewhat of a lunatic. The blog is great! Keep it up!
